What is Conscious Uncoupling?
“A Conscious Uncoupling is a break-up that is characterized by good will, generosity and respect. It is a process that leaves both parties feeling valued and appreciated for all of the good that was experienced. It is a shared intention to minimize the damage they do to themselves, to each other and to their children.”
—Katherine Woodward Thomas, creator of Conscious Uncoupling
Break ups are often very painful leaving both people feeling raw, rejected, and hurt. But there is another way!
Conscious Uncoupling coaching with Jana focuses on how to end a romantic union in honorable, gracious and respectful ways. She will teach you the 5 step-by-step process for how to breakup in a way that does minimal damage to all involved and help you create new, cooperative and life-affirming agreements and structures that set everyone up to win moving forward.
Complimentary Discovery Session
Jana’s deep listening, skillful questioning and compassionately honest approach empower Conscious Uncoupling clients to move through heartbreak and deep disappointment to a new sense of possibility and thriving in life and love.
For couples, Jana holds perspective and a heart-centered space for both people to take self-responsibility, and complete their relationship with the kind of care that leaves each person whole and able to move forward.
Jana is passionate about empowering individuals to move beyond self-diminishing behavioral patterns to confidently stand in fully knowing and valuing themselves in all their relationships. She empathetically helps people learn new ways to ask for support from others at this vulnerable time of relationship ending, and to be able to authentically receive it.
Jana has used Conscious Uncoupling teachings in her own life and with clients to deepen in joyous, authentic relatedness and mutual support with family, friends and colleagues.